This 6-part devotional series focuses on building our spiritual foundations.
In Matthew 7, Jesus talks about the two greatest commandments: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbour as yourself.
By focusing on building a foundation based on these two principles, with an attitude of humility and repentance, the Lord can transform our spiritual lives to glorify Him in the way we pray, worship, work, and play in our daily lives.
Much of the material has been inspired by concepts from ‘Experiencing God’ by Henry and Richard Blackaby Claude King. We pray the Lord will use this to bring you closer to Himself and others.
Part 1: A Life Built on God
A desire to know God and walk in His will cannot come without self-forgetfulness. This does not mean we do not take care of ourselves but that we should pursue a life centered on God’s will, rather than on our own.
To start building a foundation for spiritual maturity and growth, we each have to address whether Jesus is truly our sole focus and the functioning ‘boss’ or Lord of our lives. Through this, we can get to know him better, see more of His love and grow in the ability to love Him more.
Part 2: A Life Built on Relationship
Jesus tells us that the second greatest commandment is to love others (Matthew 22:39).
Not only to love others but to love them as yourself. Throughout the gospels, we see the relational side of Jesus in everything He does. He eats with His disciples, He comforts those who mourn, He heals, He protects and He counsels.
He says in John 15:12-15:
‘This is my commandment, that you love one another
as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than
this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.’

Part 3: A Life Built on Heart Belief
It is no surprise that what we store in our hearts will manifest in our actions.
With this in mind, we can safely conclude that our lives are built on our heart beliefs.
Therefore, if we want to establish a solid spiritual foundation, we need to allow God to examine, extract and establish what we believe in our hearts…
Part 4: A Life Built on Listening
The world’s idea of a servant is that of control, whereas the biblical concept of servanthood is communion and relationship.
It’s not that God tells us to do something and we go off and do it alone, but it’s in partnership with the Holy Spirit. God works through us.
So the question is, are we building our lives around listening to God?

Part 5: A Life Built on Obedience
Obedience is the outward expression of love to God.
As a result, God then reveals more of Himself to you and you get to know Him on a more intimate level.
Obedience needs to become a key aspect of your spiritual foundation to grow and mature in His purposes for your life.
Many of us hinder our relationship with God because, put simply, we want to do our own thing. Once we commit to Jesus, we have to live out a life of faith…

Part 6: A Life Built on Faith
Have you ever felt like you were made for more? Do you ever feel frustrated that God has not released you into something bigger and better than what you’re doing now?
Within our culture, we can often expect instant gratification, immediate reward and quick development. But are we putting our faith in God and His timing for our lives?